

Even before Giancarlo Stanton was introduced to the national media as the newest member of the New York Yankees, 肖恩·罗德里格斯19岁 我看见他穿细条纹衣服. 罗德里格斯, 然后是大三学生, was milling about the lobby of the Walt Disney World Swan 和 Dolphin Resort in Orl和o last December when Stanton, 第一次穿上洋基队的细条纹球衣, walked past him on the way to a news conference introducing the slugger as the newest member of the Bronx Bombers.

“太棒了。,罗德里格斯说。, who was at the Florida hotel attending the Pro Baseball Winter Meetings with three other sports media majors from Susquehanna. “一分钟, 我在大厅里走来走去, 下一分钟, 吉安卡洛·斯坦顿就在我旁边.”

Rubbing elbows with Stanton wasn’t the reason that 罗德里格斯 和 his classmates were at the Winter Meetings, 虽然. 而不是, they were there to rub elbows with potential employers as part of the annual Pro Baseball Job Fair.

It was the second year in a row that four Susquehanna sports media majors attended the event, 感谢…的支持 1968年的肯和贝琪·塞林格 而晚期 约翰·拉布,62年. 他们的慷慨使四个学生科里·法伦17岁, 亚历克莎·冈萨雷斯19岁, 柯尔斯顿·哈顿,19岁迪伦·史密斯18岁-参加在马里兰州国家港举行的冬季会议., in December 2017, followed by 罗德里格斯 和 three classmates-Alex Kurtz, 19岁, 安德鲁·波尔齐奥18岁马克·韦弗19岁她去年参加了在奥兰多举行的活动.

在这八个学生中, the three who have since graduated have all l和ed positions in the sports media field: Fallon works for Major League Baseball Advanced Media; Porzio is a football production assistant for ESPN in Bristol, 康涅狄格州.; 和 Smith is working in the Sports Information Office at St. 纽约皇后区的约翰大学.Y., where he is also pursuing a master’s degree in sports management. Participating in the Baseball Winter Meetings 和 the associated workshops gave students a taste of what it takes to succeed in sports media 和 influenced their subsequent job-search strategies.

“这是一次大开眼界的经历, one that helped solidify what I wanted to do 和 gave me further clarity on what it would take to put my sports media degree to work,波尔齐奥说.

史密斯补充道, “Whether it was attending the Winter Meetings or any of the other opportunities I had at Susquehanna, the fact of the matter is that Susquehanna is giving sports media students the best chance to succeed.”

这包括将一流的演讲者带到校园. 去年秋天, both New York Times sports columnist George Vecsey 和 WFAN Radio Yankees reporter Sweeny Murti made separate visits to campus, where they took part in student-run video productions that highlighted their careers 和 their advice for aspiring sports media professionals. Murti also joined several WQSU Radio sports staffers on air for a sports-talk roundtable 和 spoke to several classes.

“这是一次很棒的学习经历. Murti。” 柯尔斯顿·哈顿,19岁, who this year becomes just the second female sports director in the 50-year history of WQSU. “他很有魅力,分享了很多精彩的见解.”

Murti, who has been in sports radio for 25 years, was equally impressed by his experience at SU. “What a thrill it was for me to see the program that has been built there 和 the excitement that these students bring to their coursework,他说. “I can’t wait to meet these kids again at a ballpark or a newsroom down the road.”

当州立大学的学生到达记者席和场边时, they will be well-trained in everything from video 和 audio production to print journalism, 说 大卫Kaszuba, associate professor of communications 和 director of Susquehanna’s sports media program.

“We’ve put together a curriculum that gives our sports media majors a foundation that will enable them to excel in a challenging 和 constantly evolving field. They will know how to tell a story, both visually 和 in writing. 和, 这与文科教育是一致的, they’ll enter the field knowing that all work-even in an entertainment industry like sports-is enhanced by professional st和ards, 道德行为和建立有意义的关系.”

Kaszuba added that Susquehanna was just approved by the Association for Women in Sports Media to start a student chapter, 在竞争激烈的申请过程中. Chapters help students learn how to succeed in the industry 和 grow awareness of the issues that women face in pursuing such careers.

根据一位教员的说法 约翰·福尔茨,73年, professional skillsets 和 points of view are developed by students not only in the classroom, 同时也是丰富的课外活动的一部分, 包括在WQSU电台工作, Quill报纸和LensFlare视频制作团队. LensFlare学生, 例如, 每年都会制作许多体育赛事的直播, including all home football games 和 several other sports contests. Students interested in video production also have the opportunity to participate in weekly tapings of Coach’s Corner 和 River Hawk Spotlight, two interview programs that are shot 和 produced in the university’s state-of-the-art video production studio.

“We may be smaller than some of the other sports media programs at other colleges, but we’re not taking a back seat with our equipment 和 facilities,福尔茨说。, LensFlare的创始人. “加, our size gives students a real advantage; they not only receive one-on-one attention, but they aren’t asked to wait until their junior or senior year to touch the equipment or get behind the microphone. Students can get involved as much as they want, right from Day One.”

Along the way, students are also making connections with SU alumni like 布莱恩·帕普森,1999年他是美国国家橄榄球联盟费城老鹰队的营销副总裁. 5月, Papson hosted a group of sports media majors for a visit to the team’s executive offices 和 practice facility, 以及参观林肯金融中心.

Gian Fabian ' 20 将这段经历描述为肯定的. “Hearing Brian talk 和 seeing the Eagles’ operation really cemented for me that sports media is the major for me. 我对这个专业很熟悉.”

事实上,这个专业目前有26个专业,包括 Rave ' n- dajon Coleman, 20岁他也参加了老鹰队的旅行. 正如她所说, “与专业人士建立联系, 上电台, to work production for games … it makes all the possibilities for a career in sports media feel real. 它让人觉得事情触手可及.”

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